Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Recipe to detox heavy metals

Cilantro(yim sai) Chelation Pesto

3 cups packed fresh cilantro (vit A), NEVER USED DRIED CILANTRO
2/3 cups flaxseed oil (omega 3 and omega 6)
1/3 brazil nut (selenium)
1/3 sunflower seed (cysteine)
1/3 pumpkin seed (zinc and magnesium)
2 tbs lemon juice (vita C)
2 tbs Dulse powder (magnesium)
2 cloves of garlic
Seasalt to taste

Blend to a paste. Store in dark glass jar if possible. Cilantro has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our bodies in a relative short period of time. Combined with the benefit of other ingredients, this recipe is a powerful tissue cleanser.

Read more on cilantro how it can help reduce toxic metals from our bodies.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lakewood Juices

Our best sellers are Pure Pineapple, Pure Pomegranate, Pure Cranberry and of course Pure Apples Juices (its always out of stock and people buy by carton). One of the reasons you pay for a higher price is because of taste and the nutrients.These babies are what you separate from the artificial flavourings, the swet taste is even sweetened by other real organic fruits. Respect your body, drink the real thing. Find out more on Otherwise just drop in our store.

We deliver these juices if you buy more than 2 cartons. Great for gatherings and best of all no artificial fruit juices for your children. Order ahead.

Look below for our list of organic juices.

Loving Life,
Green Bamboo Organic

Organic Juices

Acai Amazon Berry
Apple, PURE
Blueberry Blend
Blueberry, PURE
Carrot, PURE
Cranberry Blend
Cranberry Lemonade
Cranberry, PURE
Fruit Garden Blue Balance
Fruit Garden Green & Red Fusion
Fruit Garden Purple Harmony
Fruit Garden Red Pomegranate
Fruit Garden Summer Gold
Good Morning
Lemon-Ginger Echinacea
Mangosteen (50% Organic)
Orange Carrot
Orange Mango
Orange, PURE
Pina Colada
Pineapple, PURE
Pink Grapefruit, PURE
Pomegranate Blend
Pomegranate with Acai
Pomegranate with Blueberry
Pomegranate with Cranberry
Pomegranate with Goji
Pomegranate, PURE
Prune, PURE
Super Veggie
Tart Cherry Blend

Light Organic Juices

Cranberry LIGHT
Lemonade LIGHT
Pineapple-Passion LIGHT
Pomegranate LIGHT

Premium Juices

Cranberry, PURE
Pineapple, PURE
Pomegranate, PURE
Prune, PURE

Culinary Juices

Lemon, PURE

Star product: Lakewood Pure Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is often used in the treatment of urinary tract, bladder, and kidney infection


Recommended: Hi Genki

Hi·Genki (Spirulina)

3.5 g x 90 pkts RM 170.00

Recommended for traveling. Great for preventing food poisoning or indigestion.

What is Genmai Koso?

Genmai Koso is made from genmai(brown rice).Genmai used as raw material is grown under safe conditions by selected contract farmers. Vigorous inspections ensure that absolutely no contaminants are found in the rice. Genmai is fermented and aged with yeast to ease digestion and absorption. Powdered oyster shell (calcium) and soybeans are added, creating a well-balanced nutritional dietary supplement. Therefore, Genmai Koso is most effective in maintenance of physical stamina.

Genmai Koso has combined these nutritional substances in a well-balanced manner. It supplements nutrition which tends to be inadequate, and is effective in maintaining a healthy body. It is superlative nutritional dietary supplement. Another special feature is fermenting and aging of genmai in order to improve digestion and absorption. Fermentation and aging overcome the problem of enzymes not being heat resistant. Enzymes contained in daily diets are destroyed when food heated at over 70 degrees Celsius(158 degrees Fahrenheit).

Genmai(Brown Rice) is The Treasure of The Health !!!

Originally, the term rice referred to brown rice in a condition that is free of chaff. White rice has been polished downtoalbumen, removing the embryo bud and the outer bran layer in the process.The polishing process removes vitamins,mineral, fibers, etc, so white rice could be called "left-over".


The staple food of modern Asian is mostly white(polished) rice. White rice certainly looks better, and has advantages such as being pleasant to the palate and easier to digest. However, eating it regularly could cause beriberi, a fatal disease. From the standpoint of nutritional value, white rice cannot compare with genmai. Also, the food fiber and phytic acid contained in genmai have capacities to remove from the system harmful chemical substances ingested with additives in food, agricultural chemicals, etc. Moreover, genmai contains protein and fat that are good for the body. Genmai, is without a doubt, a treasure house of nutrition.

If you compare nutritional substances in 100 grams each of genmai and white rice, genmai contains ten times more vitamin E, four times more vitamin B1, two or three times more vitamin B2 and fiber, and 1.7 times more calcium than white rice. Also it is said that there are no nutritional substances you cannot find in genmai. Genmai really is an ideal staple food.

What is Koso(Enzyme)?

Enzymes are present in every cell of the body, are continually active, and perform extensive tasks. They interpose between various chemical reactions in the body, such as assisting in digestion of food and inducing dissolution and composition of cells. Enzymes are made of protein and conduct catalytic activities.

Enzymes are produced naturally in the human body, but with age, production decreases. Also, activation of enzymes is generally declining in the modern population, caused in many cases by environmental pollution and stress.

Contamination of foodstuff from additives and agricultural chemicals is one of the main reasons why chronic diseases are increasing.

It is necessary to replenish enzymes in order to conquer these adverse effects. Fresh, raw food and fermented food with abundant enzymes could replenish insufficient enzymes in the body.

About 3,000 different kinds of enzymes are known. They work together with supplementary enzymes such as vitamins and minerals to do their jobs effectively in the body.


  1. Stimulate digestion and absorption
  2. Activate cells
  3. Clean up microbes in intestines
  4. Improve immunity and natural healing power
  5. Dissolve and eliminate decaying and harmful substances from the body


VITAMINS - B1, B2, B6, B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Folic Acid, etc.

MINERALS - Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Selenium, etc.

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If I'm eating genmai rice, Do I still need Genmai Koso?

Genmai rice contains large numbers of minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, etc. As for vitamins, genmai rice contains B group vitamins in abundance. Everyone recognizes the benefit and importance of eating genmai rice, but genmai rice requires more preparation time and digestion and absorption is not as easy as white rice. For these reasons, some people find it difficult to continue eating genmai rice.

Also, the effectiveness of enzymes in genmai rice is lost from heat during cooking. Phytic and fiber in genmai rice have natural functions to eliminate extraneous substances from the body, but a small amount of vitamins and minerals in the body are also eliminated at the same time. Therefore, it is necessary to take vitamins and minerals from a dietary supplement while eating genmai rice. If not supplemented, nutrition deficiency may result.

Fermentation produces several kinds of enzymes in Genmai Koso, and amino acids and B group vitamins also increase sharply. It also contains a large amount of minerals. Therefore, substances eliminated from the body through natural processes would be replenished by taking Genmai Koso.

Genmai Koso preserves nutritive elements in genmai rice, and by fermenting them is able to preserve enzymes. These enzymes serve as replacements for natural enzymes in food that are lost during cooking. Also, fermentation creates a large amount of super oxide dismutase(SOD) that dissolves activated oxygen. Activated Oxygen is a catalyst for cancer and other adult diseases as well as for aging.

Combining genmai rice and Genmai Koso is ideal as together they make full use of natural nutrition in genmai rice. Since preparing meals is a daily chore, you should plan sensibly.

The Kinds of Genmai Koso

"With Chlorophyll" (Powder, Granule)

Regular kind with chlorophyll added. Chlorophyll used is taken from spirulina, a type of seaweed. Spirulina belongs in the same class as chlorella, but has an extremely thin and soft cellular wall, making it much easier to digest and absorb. It has 95% absorption rate compared with 72% for chlorella. Spirulina contains vitamin B12, which fortifies the liver and is fights anemia. Also contained is a pigmentary called phycocyanin, which is effective in fighting cancer.

Daily Food Specials


a. Sweet Japanese Beancurd (Inari) stuffed with miso rice set,
salad as side dish.

b. Spicy Mamak Fried Noodles
Soya bean milk

Fresh vegetables and bread deliveries to our shop

Fresh vegetables are available on

Monday- Vision Eco Farm, Agape Farm Vegetables
Tuesday- Titi Eco Farm
Thursday- Agape Farm Vegetables
Friday- Titi Eco Farm

Fresh Adventis Bread delivers to our shop on
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday
  • 7-Grains Sprouted Bread
  • A grainy bread made up of seven types of sprouted grains--millet, wheat, corn, oats, rye, soya and lentils.
  • 3-Seed Sprouted Bread
  • Sprouted wheat with three fabulous seeds--sesame, flax and sunflower.

Farmer's Box

Go green with our Farmer's Box by Vision Eco Farm.

Support one of the oldest organic farmers in Malaysia, get weekly fresh organic vegetables from them, while you might not have the privilege to select what vegetables you are getting but you will receive 3.5 to 4kg of vegetables each time at only RM30!

Call us two days in advance to place an order.

Health consultation

Health Consultation available now!

Bring us your health report (blood report) and we will be happy to do a consultation that incorporates natural supplement and food to enhance your health.

Do make an appointment with our experienced nutritionist Andy Ng who has more than 20 years experience in government hospitals. Andy is also has numerous experiences advising supplements for degenerative diseases such as cancer with based on their doctor's reports. Consultation is RM30 per session.

Yuan soaps 阿原肥皂

For those who has heard about Yuan soaps. We carry the whole Malaysian range in the shop. In fact we are one of the earliest shop who carry the range. We will visit the workshop in Taipei next week so do log in and check out updates on this space!

Read reviews by independent beauty bloggers on Yuan soaps:

Find out the soap variant most suitable for your skin at the columns below:-

A-Yuan Organic Hand-Made Soaps阿原肥皂

Organic Lemon Soap
Lemon has an excellent natural ability to kill bacteria. It works well in removing old cells, lightening pigmentation, tightening pores, and gives the complexion a beautiful shine. Works well for removing old cells, lightening pigmentation, tightening pores, giving the omplexiona beautiful shine.

Organic Oat Soap
Natural cereal crops are highly nutritious and have a rather good effect on preventing dry and weak skin. Oats Soap has been supported by loyal users, especially atopic dermatitis patients who have extremely sensitive skin, or skin that is oily underneath but dry on the surface. Children, people with extremely sensitive skin, as well as women during and after pregnancy will find this soap useful.

Wild Yellow Sage Soap
Encapsulating the merits of mugwort and patchouli,
yellow sage can make your skin appear tighter. When
used on the hair, it is no less effective than the Liquorice Hair Soap.
Skin appears tighter after use, can be used for eczema, damp toxin, itchiness; and also reduces swells, detoxifies, relieves rheumatic pains and colds and stops itchiness.

Sishen Chinese herbs Soap
The nature of Sishen Chinese herbs is warm and moisturising. Its rich starch content leaves your skin smooth after wash. Its ingredient, Chinese angelica,
can reduce swelling, stop pain, purge pus and boost the muscles, regardless of oral consumption or external application. Serving as an anti-oxidant, its extract can
also reduce skin darkening and pigments formation, and increases the skin’s ability to fade melanin.

Wild Mugwort Soap
Many plant experts have proven that mugwort oil can fight against eczema and itch cause by ringworm. This soap is the best-seller of A-Yuan Soap. Gentle wash for those who get acne, atopic dermatitis and eczema on the chest, back and cheeks; also suitable for those with strong body odour.

Purple Gromwell & Roselle Soap
It can reduce eczema and detoxify when used externally. This soap is created for those who develop prickly heat easily and whose skin is too oily and dull. For people with acnes, prickly heat, eczema and itchiness due to unknown causes inflammation, allergic skin and athlete’s foot; also kills bacteria, stops itchiness and heals wounds.

Organic Mung bean & Job’s tears Soap
Mung bean works better than vitamins C and E in improving the condition of pigmentation, freckles and ugly spots. Job’s tears are useful for esquamative and rough skin. Especially suitable for people who always wear make-up and those who go under the sun frequently, as well as those who itch easily after shower.

Liquorice hair Soap
There are many uses for liquorice. Its aqueous solution
which has a weak foamability is a natural surfactant.
It is strong in inhibiting bacteria growth and inflammation. Raw ginger and pine essential oils have long been proven to be able to fight seborrhea and dandruff. It is also useful in reversing the process of balding. It is significantly effective in promoting cutaneous perspiration and simulating local circulation.

Wild Patchouli Soap
Patchouli is a kind of herb that has been traditionally used to clear inflammation, dissipate heat, detoxify and clear bruises. For people who have bumpy skin, acnes and pimples, have hand eczema, athlete’s foot or sensitive skin.

Cypress Soap
Cypress grows on mountains stretching as high as
1,800m to 2,800m above sea level. It secretes an
essential oil that has a powerful ability to kill bacteria. Works well for acne, pimple, nappy rash, bed sore, erythema, sebum secretion, itchy scalp, skin inflammation, allergic skin and athlete’s foot; also kills bacteria, stops itchiness and heals wounds.

Eucalyptus Soap
Eucalyptus benefits the respiratory system significantly through breathing. If you are mentally exhausted, it helps to refresh your mind and aids concentration. Good for the skin, eases athlete’s foot, insect bites, rashes and the clogging of pores.

Mandarin Orange Soap
Besides serving the functions of removing cellulite, killing bacteria and gently whitening the skin, it can also wake up the mind and adjust despondency and pressure - something which many people need nowadays. Coming Soon!

Auspicious Soap
Among these ingredients, artemisias has the most comprehensive kind energy. It is among the very few natural anti-bacterial plants that can purify the body and mind and also benefit the complexion and health.

Forest Pine Soap
The skin will show signs of life’s pressure and anxiety. It needs relaxation and quietness through which only can the biological mechanism of self-healing be activated.Coming Soon!

Laundry Soap
It uses edible plant oil, and is free of petrified ingredients, surfactants, whitening agents and chemical essence.. Suitable for undergarments, brassieres, baby clothes, pillowcases, socks, towels, handkerchiefs, tableware, nursing bottles, nipples.

Susan's Organic Confinement Menu

Check out blogs featuring our confinement menu at

For those who are expecting, do open your mind to incorporate some organic food during your pregnancy. We cater to one week to full month confinement meals with wines, ingredients, ginger and soups to enhance lactation.

Do call us for a food trial.